LED Outdoor Lighting Tops Incandescent and Halogen
With each passing year, the benefits of LED outdoor lighting become more statistically sound. While the longevity, quality and energy efficiency capabilities of LED bulbs have proven successful over the past ten years, even more positive features are on the horizon. Today, learning what an LED outdoor light can provide as opposed to an ordinary lighting system, will help you rethink your landscape, pathway and security systems.
Life Expectancy
LED lighting is a leader in outliving the competition by a very wide margin in life expectancy. An incandescent bulb can last 750 to 2,000 hours and a halogen bulb, 2,000 to 5,000 hours. LED bulbs put both of these existing methods to shame by shedding 30,000 to 50,000 hours of pure light before needing changed. In addition, many regular lighting systems do not offer a simple bulb change but an entire housing mechanism. The switch to LED outdoor lighting can save you money in maintenance costs by lasting as long as a decade before a replacement is needed.
Distribution of Light
The three zones of luminaire classification (LCS) are considered for outdoor lighting according to IESNA. These include forward light, back light and up light and the test results are astounding. If you have ever stood under a street light that is fitted with an incandescent or halogen bulb, you understand the difference. Visual performance is limited and even annoying with the glare that is associated with regular outdoor lighting. The LED bulb is still undergoing study through CALiPER in order to make a scientific comparison but, for now, the human eye can give LED lights a positive report.
Quality of Light
Longevity and distribution are not the only winning features of the LED versus CFL outdoor lighting. It has been recently revealed by PEARL studies that incandescent lighting loses 5 to 13% of measured wattage as soon as installed. There have been numerous comments by CFL users that CFLs seem to dim over time but now, there is five years worth of data to back up this fact. An average 112 lumens from LED lighting beats the CFL lighting of 50 to 70 lumens of watts.
In the past, one of the largest drawbacks to LED outdoor lighting has been the cost. However, officials from the Lighting Science Group see this obstacle changing over the next 12 to 36 months. By watching ads and rebates, it is possible to purchase LED outdoor lighting at close to the same price as incandescent and halogen models. With features of energy-efficiency by 75%, projecting true colour without glare, and the ability to provide safe and accurate directional lighting, LED outdoor lighting wins hands down over existing lighting methods.
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