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Home UK Christmas World Archive Our Epic Charity Rally Across Europe, Around The Nurburgring & Back - FMN500

Our Epic Charity Rally Across Europe, Around The Nurburgring & Back - FMN500

Well it has certainly been an eventful past few days, we’ve covered over 1,400 miles, been to 4 different countries and raised close to £12,000 for the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice all in a Peugeot 406, a lit Christmas tree strapped to the roof and Santa sat in the back seat along for the ride. 

Our journey started off coffee in hand bright and early on Friday from the Forget Me Not Hospice in Huddersfield where we met the other teams and hospice staff, posed for a few pictures with the teams and vehicles. Then with an amazing cheer we were off, our adventure was underway! 



Our first destination was the famous British Grand Prix race track, Silverstone. Unfortunately we were not aloud on the track as there was an event going on, however we did get to stop for quick break and a great team snap under the Silverstone entrance. 

From there, we were off to our second point of call on the rally, Brands Hatch. Yet another famous race circuit, this time around there was an event taking place as we were there so it was pretty impressive watching some F3 and F4 race cars whizzing around the circuit also giving us yet another opportunity to pose for some pictures. After a epic day of driving it was time to get some much needed shut eye, ready for day 2. 

Our passports were out and we headed south, to the Euro Tunnel! We set off first thing, stopped for a coffee and headed to catch our train. Many of us were first time users of the Euro Tunnel so were pretty impressed. As we headed under the sea to France it gave us a little time to plan our journey from Calais as we set our eyes on the end goal, the infamous Nürburgring in Germany. 

We arrived in sunny Calais and were all keen on getting off straight away so we set off on our 4 and half hour journey through France, Holland and into Germany, where it then took us 2 hours to get to the track. Once we got there, we were all like kids at Christmas, some amazing cars on show and thousands of people enjoying the atmosphere. With the track tickets purchased we were ready to go, or were we….. 

As you know we have a Christmas tree strapped to the roof of our car, without thinking we pulled into the starting blocks ready to go, then comes the gentle knock on the window from an Nurburgring official who then told us that we were not aloud to drive on the track with the tree on the roof, although he was very impressed with the LED Christmas lights which were lighting up the track. So with our heads down and a smile on our faces we had to do a u-turn in-front of the hundreds of amused racing fans, drive past several awaiting super cars and pull back in to the car paddock and dismantle the Christmas tree, wedge it in the back seat Santa and get back in line! 

We were finally off, and took the Peugeot 406 on it’s first lap of the Nurburgring, our £500 Santa waggon had done it! 


With the adrenaline still flowing, we set off from the track to our hotel for the night in a sleepy little town in Germany where we sat down for a team meal and shared some laughs from our experiences of the day. 

Day three got under way and we were off to scenic town of Bruges in Belgium which was a good 4 hours away. Once we go there we had a little time to do some touristy sightseeing of the beautiful town before the sun set for the day. 


The final stretch, day four another long day ahead. We left Bruges and headed towards Calis again where we would need to catch the Euro Tunnel back home to the United Kingdom. So it was up through Belgium, through Holland and into France. After the short trip on the train we were back on home soil. 


Now all we had left was a short 4 and a half hour drive back up’t north where the finish line awaited us. With 1,400 miles covered in 4 days, 4 different countries visited, lots of laughs and great memories, we had finally made it, the finish line was in our sights. The epic journey was complete, we had done it, we had conquered the Nurburgring in our £500 banger and drove over 1,400 miles. However that’s not the exciting part, the teams that have taken part in this epic journey have raised close to £12,000 for the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice, and that’s what counts. It has been an amazing experience, we have met some great people, shared some laughs and have enjoyed every single minute of it. At the end of the day, we have all done this with the same goal in mind, not to conquer the Nurburgring in under 10 minutes but to raise as much money as possible for the charity that is close to our hearts, the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice. 


That being said, we would like to say a massive thank you to the staff at the hospice you have all been amazing and we hope that we have done you all proud. We would also like to say thank you to the other teams who took part in this journey, Alex and Mike from Wrights Marketing, Pete and Nigel from Huddersfield Driving School and Mick, Andy and Simon from KPT Ltd. It’s been an amazing experience and we have loved sharing it with you all. 

We would also like to give our sponsors a massive thank you for your support and your donations throughout the event. And, on that note we can say that the Forget Me Not Charity Rally is officially over, memories have been created and new friendships made, now time to start thinking about next year and how we can top this amazing experience. Thank you each and every single one of you. 



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