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Our Favourite Foods for Christmas

Food is one of the most important aspects of Christmas, aside from spending time with family and the giving of gifts as a display of respect and affection. Christmas is looked forward to all year round due to the celebrations that occur and the food that is laboured over and shared with one another.

As food is such an important aspect of Christmas we’ve decided to bring to you the 4 must have foods of Christmas.

christmas dining table filled with food


Apple and Sage Stuffing

The majority of families celebrating Christmas this year will enjoy a succulent roast turkey amongst other joints of meat – but most importantly, what do you stuff your turkey with?

Some believe that the best thing to stuff turkey with is another bird; others insist that the best type of turkey is a turkey that is stuffed with two birds to create a three bird roast.

Here at UK Christmas World we believe that the turkey that is stuffed with a fusion of apple and sage stuffing is the superior turkey, as the stuffing soaks up the juices from the core of the turkey and also adds a slightly spicy and refreshing flavour.


Fresh Fruit & Trifle

Although trifle can be an incredibly rich dessert it’s also one of the best. We believe that you can’t have a true Christmas unless you create a trifle using fresh seasonal fruits and double cream. The best seasonal fruits include raspberries, tangerines and pears.

There are various other fruits that you can use such as plums, cranberries and pineapple but we believe that the aforementioned provide you with the tastiest trifle and also create the best texture within the base of your trifle. You can also top your trifle with a variety a combination of these fruits to create a healthier alternative to lots of double cream.


Potatoes Roasted in Goose Fat

This particular food is one of the least appetising in terms of the way it sounds, but it is possibly one of the best foods, not just for Christmas but for each and every Sunday dinner that you consume.

If you coat your potatoes in goose fat before roasting them they come out with a much crispier shell and the flavour is superb; roasting your potatoes in goose fat also improves the appearance as the fat produces a perfect golden coat for your potatoes.


Christmas Pudding

The last item that we bring to you that is far from the least sumptuous is the Christmas Pudding. There is no Christmas without a Christmas pudding soaked in brandy and served flaming to the rest of your family, although the Christmas pudding must be of the traditional variety.

A traditional Christmas pudding usually contains suet, dark treacle, and dark sugars. A traditional Christmas pudding will also contain various fruits such as raisins, plums and dates, and it isn’t truly complete unless there is also a high percentage of brandy and citrus juices.


There are a number of other foods that are considered traditional and should be eaten around the festive period of Christmas and New Year, but we believe that these are the four most important foods.


For more information on celebrating Christmas through the use of decorations and lighting you can get in touch with us here at UK Christmas World for our professional services and quality products.

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